Author = Ardeshir Javanmardzadeh
The Petrographic Analysis of the Jemdat Nasr Period Potteries of the Mehran Plain, Southwestern Iran

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 October 2023


Ardeshir Javanmardzadeh; Mehri Mohammadi; Farhad Pouria Nezhad

An analysis of the Ceramic of the Islamic Period of Yel-Suie Castle in Germi City, Ardabil

Volume 13, Issue 36, June 2023, Pages 203-236


Fariborz Tahmasebi; Reza Rezaloo; Ardeshir Javanmardzadeh; Esmaiel Maroufi Aghdam; Saeid Sattarnezhad

The Archaeological Project of the Mehrān Plain: The Survey of the Initial Urbanization and

Volume 2, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 81-96

Ardeshir Javanmard Zadeh; Hojjate Darabi