Rules and regulations related to the observance of publishing ethics:
- Iranian Archaeological Research Quarterly complies with COPE rules (this journal is subject to the rules of ethics in publishing (COPE) with respect to the rules of ethics in publications and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works).
- The general citation structure in the Iranian Archaeological Research Quarterly follows the APA method.
- Care on the part of the editors of the journal in judging and accepting articles, not publishing published articles, fraud and any scientific violations, as well as not publishing more than 30% of articles by members of the editorial team in the journal.
- Receive a copyright form from the authors.
- Receive a Conflict of Interest form from the authors.
- Acceptance of articles in the event of any disclosure by the authors as to the possibility of Conflict of Interest by the authors; And publishing the article in the absence of conflict of interest with mentioning it in the text of the articles.
- Include the names of all those who have somehow been involved in the research work in each article and do not include the names of those who have not been involved in the research work; Finally, include the names of all those who do not meet the Authorship criteria in the Acknowledgments section.
- Articles will be published after review and approval by at least 2 referees and peer review counterparts and the final judgment of the editor.
- The responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of each article rests with the author or authors, and the publication is free to reject or accept as well as edit the articles.
- All steps of receiving, judging, reviewing, accepting or rejecting and finally publishing articles are done through the publication system. It is also not possible to accept the article manually.
- The personal information of the authors of the articles is strictly confidential to those who have access to the secretariat information, such as the editor and the executive director.
- Publishing the published materials and articles of the Iranian Archaeological Research Quarterly with reference to the source is permitted and any use of the journal without mentioning the sources is prohibited.