The Cultural Interaction Between The South Makran, Kerman and Hirmand Basin at the Bronze Age Based on Potteries Informations


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Sistan & Baluchistan

2 Ph. D Student, University of Sistan & Baluchistan


The south Makran area is located in south of Sistan & Baluchistan province and includes the cities of Nikshahr & Chabahar. Research done in the Makran region, all are cross-linked to a specific location, and generally are summarized in preliminary report to the Heritage Foundation. However, through the systematic archaeological surveys of the Nikshahr city, the researchers have been identified the pre-historic sites, and also attempted to collect the pottery index, but no specialized study is done yet. On the other hand, we can obtain valuable data in connection with the formation process of human settlements in different periods, with more intensive research in this area. These data, on the one hand, can investigate and determine the relevance and role of this land on the cultural interaction in whole Plateau of Iran, and on the other hand, reconstruct the cultural ties with other Eastern lands, especially with Indus Valley in third millennium BC. Shirazi has been studied this area of Sistan and Baluchistan in an Archaeological survey framework. 44 ancients’ enclosure were found in NIKSHAHR, during this study that indicates the richness of Third millennium BC establishments in this area. The area of southern Makran is located in the south of Sistan and Baluchestan province. This area has been archeologically studied at two steps by Rouhollah Shirazi in accordance with archeological study of Sistan and Balouchestan province. One short study done in 1381 solar year by which some archeological areas were identified, and did once more in 1387-88, 1389 that was comprehensive and regular study by which many archeological areas have been discovered. By sampling taken from bronze age lots in NIKSHAHR, 227 pieces of potteries were found. Due to the variety and number of the samples, and in order to better and more identify potteries of prehistoric period of Makran it was determined that the samples must be studied more carefully. Thus, during this study, the typological comparison of potteries was made, based on a theoretical-comparative study. One of the most fundamental ways to understand the interactions at the prehistory is to study potteries. Hence, the authors firstly are tried to identify the relative chronology of Bronze Age areas in southern Makran and secondly to study the regional and transregional interactions in southern Makran with places like areas across the bank of Halil Rood river, Bampur, Shahr-i Sokhta and settlements of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then, we studied these samples carefully, and now, we have presented the result of studies in this paper under the title of “Comparative Study of Potteries of Bronze Age in Southern Makran”. According to these studies and analyzing reports and comparing important samples in southern Baluchestan with neighboring areas, we conclude that the southern Makran had expanded regional and transregional relations with areas in south-east of iran like, Bampur, Shahr-i sokhta, Damin, Yahya, Khurab and Rood-i Biaban and areas in Afghanistan like, Mundigak, Gardan Reg, and areas in plain of Kech in Pakistan. Also from the chronological aspect, cultural periods of Bronze Age in southern Makran has the largest overlap with I And IV periods of Bampur. The results of the statistic reports from pottery’s samples of south Makran in the third millennium B.C. shows a vast relation between this area and the banks of HALIL ROOD, Bampur, Shahr-i-Soukhta, and the lots such as Mundigak and Gardan Reg in Afganistan and also some lots in Baluchistan of Pakistan.


Main Subjects

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