Introducing and Studying the Decoration of the Mihrab of Baba Afzal Kashani’s Tomb for More Accurate Dating of the Mihrab


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Handicrafts, Faculty of Handicrafts, Isfahan University of Arts, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Isfahan University of Arts,


The Mihrabs of the Ilkhanid period is one of the most magnificent elements of the eighth century AH architecture, which is ultimately beautiful and exquisite, made in most of the provinces of the country and in buildings with different uses (mosques, tombs, Imamzadeh, etc). Kashan is one of the regions that, due to its historical background, has benefited from the existence of these stucco Mihrabs in the course of the historic period. The tomb of Baba Afzal Kashani, located in the village of Marq in Karkhan, is one of the buildings that has been adorned with a stuccoed Mihrab of the eighth century AH. The present study deals with the analysis of the structure (general shape), plant and geometric designs, inscriptions and their composition in the aforementioned stucco Mihrab and intends to emphasize its assignment to the eighth century AH by explaining the characteristics of the visual features of the designs and their composition used in this Mihrab and comparing it with some samples of dated plaster works. So, the main question of this research are as follows: What are the significant features of the decorations of the Mihrab of Baba Afzal Tomb and to what extent are these characteristics similar to the Mihrabs or the plaster works of eighth century AH? The data was collected through field research, i.e. photography- linear analysis of the images, and based on written resources which analyze the data obtained from the study samples through a comparative historical approach. The results show that plant motifs, i.e. arabesque and Khataie, and especially their unique decorations, i.e. using geometric, tear-like Ajdekari, multi- level, dense and unstructured compositions, Thuluth inscription of the Mihrab border in a background of plant motifs (Khate stem with lilies/ lotus), the method of creating the Thuluth inscription letters and the way to use geometric motifs in the tomb of Baba Afzal are similar to other Mihrabs and plaster works of eighth century, especially those located in Isfahan and Tehran. It is worth noting, however, that in structural terms, the arch shape (angular form) in the second blind arcade of the Mihrab of Baba Afzal is similar to stucco Mihrabs or the golden tiling (seventh and eighth centuries) of Kashan.
Keywords: Ilkhanid Period, Tomb of Baba Afzal, Stucco Mihrabs, Motifs, Composition, Inscription.
The variety and abundance of stucco Mihrab in the Ilkhanid period and their distribution in Iran will open many fields of study to researchers that require careful and thorough investigation. Decorations of these stucco Mihrabs are also considered as their characteristic, which have been implemented by different techniques and can be considered as a factor in their identification and relative dating because only a few examples of these Mihrabs  have construction date  and artist autograph, and others were attributed to the eighth century due to their location in the Ilkhanid monuments or their style of decoration and construction (for example, the Mihrabs of Imamzadeh Rabieh Khatun in Oshtorjan (1308 AD) and Oljayto (1310 AD)). The tomb of Baba Afzal Kashani, located in the village of Marq in Karkhan, is one of the buildings that has been adorned with a Stuccoed Mihrab of the eighth century AH. The present study deals with the analysis of the structure (general shape), plant and geometric designs, inscriptions and their composition in the aforementioned stucco Mihrab and intends to emphasize its assignment to the eighth century AH by explaining the characteristics of the visual features of the designs and their composition used in this Mihrab and comparing it with some samples of dated plaster works. So the main question of this research are as follows: What are the significant decorations of the Mihrab of Baba Afzal Tomb and to what extent are these characteristics similar to the Mihrabs or the plaster works of eighth century AH? In which of the dated Mihrabs or stucco decorations attributed to the 8th century, it is possible to find significant features of the (plant, geometric) decorations and inscriptions? The data was collected through field research, i.e. photography- linear analysis of the images, and based on written resources which analyze the data obtained from the study samples through a comparative historical approach. Examples selected for comparison with Baba Afzal Kashani’s stucco mihrab include: the stucco decorations of Imamzadeh Yahya in Varamin (1307 AD), the stucco mihrab of Imamzadeh Rabieh Khatun in Oshtorjan, Isfahan (1308 AD); and the stucco mihrabs of eighth century as follows: Miandeh Mosque in Ghamsar, Kashan, Imamzadeh Fazl and Yahya in Mahalat, Mirzabir Monument in Sirjan and Kermani Mosque in Torbat-e Jam.
The features of the visual index in this Mihrab, which are similar to those found in other stucco Mihrabs or decorations dated to the eighth century AH, are:

Using angular arch in the Mihrab arcade
Using the composition of the (Cathay) plant motifs in the background of the main (Thuluth) inscription of the Mihrab
Using heart-shaped and recurring motifs on the margins
Enjoying multilayer composition (Placing slender and twisted arabesques in the background of delicate plant motifs), and
Layout of dense arabesques, so that no background space is seen.

Similarities in plant motifs include lotus leaves and flowers, simple or non-decorated arabesques, and the use of bulky and elaborate arabesques with varied Ajehkari decorations. Other similarities are the use of nodes based on a regular hexagon and a hexagonal star combined with plant motifs, as well as simple geometrical combinations often found on narrow margins. Ajdekari are other geometric ornaments that are used with triangles, hexagonal star/ hexagons, and circle and are similar to eighth century ones. The use of the Thuluth inscription on the background of the plant motifs on the main margin of the Mihrab, the presence of a knot-like ornamentation in the upper right corner (left and right) of the main margin, the Kufic inscription containing the word (محمد) with the same composition, and diversion of letters in the Thuluth inscriptions are considered as other reasons that can emphasize the assignment of the sanctuary of Baba Afzal Kashani to the eighth century (probably the first quarter). Other similarities include the composition of the arabesque strap and the delicate plant stem in its background, the formal and decorative features in the plant motifs of the Baba Afzal Mihrab arcade common with the Imamzadeh Rabiehh Khatun Mihrab in Isfahan and Mirzabir in Sirjan. Most of similar features were found in Imamzadeh Yahya’s dated stucco decorations: The Thuluth inscription of the main margin in a background of plant motifs, the diversion of the letters of Thuluth inscription, the use of dense arabesques without background, the resemblance to the repetitive heart shape, Ajdehkari and the geometric motifs. Implementation of the word “محمد” in the Kufic script and its layout, decorating the arabesque joint with hollow holes and nets are also similar to those found in the Mihrab of Imamzadeh Fazl and Yahya in Mahallat. The use of the knot-like ornamental form in the Thuluth inscription of the margin was also present in almost all specimens compared to the Baba Afzal Mihrab. It should be noted that the arch form of the Baba Afzal Mihrab is similar to some of the eighth century stucco mihrabs (mihrab of Miandeh Mosque of Ghamsar) and a number of Mihrabs of seventh century AH (built in Kashan). The results of studies indicate that the plant motifs (Arabesque and Cathay) and especially their unique decorations (use of geometric Ajdehkari, tear form), multilevel compositions, dense and without background, placing the Thuluth inscription of the mihrab margin on a background of plant motifs (a Cathay stem with a lotus flower), the way to make letters of Thuluth inscriptions and the use of geometric motifs on the Mihrab of Baba Afzal, are similar to other eighth-century Mihrabs and plaster works (especially in Isfahan and Tehran provinces). Structurally, the arched (angled) form on the second arcade of the Baba Afzal mihrab was similar to the stucco or tiled Mihrabs (seventh and eighth centuries AH), indicating that the mihrab was built in the early eighth century AH.


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