Preliminary Report of the First Chapter of Archeological Excavation of Sarand- Dighdighan Cemetery of East Azerbaijan


1 PhD Student in Archeology, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil.

2 M.A. in Archeology, Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz, Iran.

3 M.A. Students in Art History, Department of Art and Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad

4 Experts in Archeology, Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of East Azerbaijan Province, Tabriz, Iran.

5 PhD Students in Archeology, Aegean University, Izmir, Turkey.


Sarand - Dighdighan Cemetery is located near Dighdighan village of Harris city in East Azerbaijan province. The cemetery was identified during the road construction operation; As a result of archeological excavations in this cemetery, 30 healthy graves and 6 semi - healthy graves were identified, excavated and documented. The first chapter of archeological excavation in this area, although focused on saving the works; However, the results of the study indicate the position of this region in the Iron Age studies of northwestern Iran. In the present study, an attempt has been made; Based on field research and library studies, the following questions can be answered scientifically: A) Chronology of Sarand - Dighdighan cemetery burial mounds belongs to which cultural periods?  B) What has been the settlement pattern in this area according to the available evidence? In this article, it is generally tried; To examine burial and related traditions; To study and compare the cultural status of the area based on the typology of cultural data with other contemporaries in Iran and neighboring areas. The results show that based on the data obtained, especially clay data, Serand - Dighdighan cemetery can be considered as one of the Iron Age cemeteries in northwestern Iran, whose archaeological evidence is comparable to some of the Iron Age I and II sites in Iran, Azerbaijan and East Turkey. Based on this typology, the relative chronology of this cemetery is 1250 - 800 BC. Suggested; And the passage from the Iron Age I to II can be seen in this cemetery; Also, based on the results of archaeological excavations, it can be said that the settlement pattern in this cemetery was unrelated to the settlement sites.
Keywords: Sarand-Dighdighan Cemetery, Iron Age, Sangchin Graves, Rescue Excavation.
Najd northwest of Iran has long been considered by researchers in archeological studies of the Iron Age and almost simultaneously with archaeological activities in other parts of the country, have also studied and excavated in some areas of this region; The results have led to the recognition of the cultural situation of this region in different eras. Based on the results of excavations and archaeological studies, this area can be studied in the Iron Age with three types of sites. 1. Areas where settlements are adjacent to architectural and burial remains; He named Haftavan V (1970, Burney), Hasanlui V and IV (1989, Dyson), Dinkhah II (1974, Muscarella), Kordler Tepe (1976, Lippert) and others. 2. Areas that have been formed in the form of mountain fortifications; Like some castles of Meshkinshahr, Varzeqan, Ahar, etc. were mentioned. 3. Areas that have been formed as cemeteries and are generally unrelated to permanent settlements; ; Including Dinkhah III (1974, Muscarella), Hill A and B (1951, Burton Brown), Kaboud Mosque in Tabriz (Hejbari Nobari, 2005), Gilvan Khalkhal Monastery (Rezalo, 2008), Jafarabad Khodaafarin (Old Irvani, 2010) , Khorramabad named Meshkinshahr (Rezalu, 2012), Qizil Ghiyeh Meshkinshahr (Hajizadeh, 2014), Sarand - Ghadghan Cemetery, etc. These cemeteries are generally unrelated to the settlement areas, and even if they are settlements, they are considered as nomadic with very weak architectural structures. Sarand - Dighdighan Cemetery was unknown before 1397. This year, the Sungun Varzeqan copper mine excavated a hill near the village of Daghdghan in the Harris County functions in order to develop the Varzeqan - Tabriz communication road; As a result, cultural and archeological remains were identified, which indicated the destruction of a number of graves in a historical cemetery. Following that, after reporting to the Cultural Heritage Office of East Azerbaijan Province, the excavation operations were stopped and the steps of obtaining the excavation permit were followed. As a result, in May 1398, a cemetery excavation permit was issued. In the present study, an attempt has been made; Based on the results of the first chapter of the archaeological excavation of this cemetery and based on library studies, the following questions can be answered scientifically: B) What has been the settlement pattern in this area according to the available evidence? In general, it can be said that Serand - Dighdighan cemetery agrees with the Iron Age settlements of Lake Urmia, which in terms of cultural data and burial traditions, some cultural similarities can be observed between these sites. Certainly, this research will be very useful and effective in increasing the archaeological knowledge from the Iron Age, especially the transition from Iron I to Iron II and explaining the problem of gray and black pottery with the phenomenon of migration or cultural sequence in the northwestern region of Iran.
Materials and Methods
 In this research, the work was done in two stages: field and library. Field method: Excavation of Sarand-Daghdagan cemetery from the perspective of excavation objectives can be considered as part of emergency (rescue) excavations. In such excavations, which are a kind of rescue, the excavation operations are more to save the works from destruction and in a way to collect objects and document the findings. In emergency excavations, the continuation of the project depends on the valuable findings of the excavation work. To excavate the graves of this cemetery, the locus-feature method was used, in such a way that feature one (F. 1): the architecture of the graves is dedicated. These stones are in different dimensions and sizes and are generally of the carcass and rubble type. Feature 2 (F. 2) : Feature 2 includes burial status and burial data related to graves; Each of these features consists of a number of loci. In addition to the field method, library resources have been used for analytical analysis and comparative study of data with other simultaneous areas.
Based on the results of data obtained from an archaeological excavation season in Sarand - Dighdighan cemetery, it is possible to achieve some reconstruction of Iron Age communities and social structure in the northwestern region of Iran, especially Harris city. The burial mounds of this cemetery with samples obtained from Hassanloui IV and V, Dinkhah II and III, Haftavan IV and V, Gohi Tappeh A and B, Kordlertpeh, Kaboud Mosque, Jafarabad, Khodaafarin, Silk B, Qeytariyeh, Koti Dileman Castle, Poshtkuh Lorestan and some areas of eastern Turkey and the southern Caucasus are comparable; Accordingly, the results of the archaeological excavations of the Sarand - Dighdighan cemetery indicate the homogeneity of the common burial traditions of the Iron Age in Najd, Iran, or at least in the northwestern half; Therefore, considering the many similarities between the data of Serand - Daghdan cemetery, including pottery, metal objects, burial, etc., with other contemporaneous sites, and in some cases it is a combination of cultural works of the Iron Age I and II, it can be concluded that in This cemetery has a cultural continuity between the two iron periods I and II and its time period is related to this period. Therefore, considering the chronology presented based on carbon experiments of 14 Hasanlu and Dinkhah sites and comparing the data of Sarand - Dighdighan cemetery with these sites, this cemetery can be considered with caution related to 1250-800 BC. Or, in general, the Iron Age I and II chronicles.


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