The Description and Analyze of Architecture Elements of Gowriyeh Building, Ilam


Assistant Professor, Department of Historical Archaeology, Iranian Center for Archaeological Research (ICAR), Tehran, Iran.


There are some reasons to many of architecture structures to be unknown in West of Iran, especially in Ilam region, such as absence of communications, and referencing to the results of limited excavations. Gowriyeh is one of the Sasanian royal monuments, which excavated following the locating in the resource of Kangir Dam in Ilam province. The plan of a rectangular-shaped in size of 852 m2, included some rooms with courtyards and inner space have been revealed at the end of excavation. After the complete digging, totally 10 spaces have been unearthed. The designers of this site were completely aware of architecture elements and potentials and according to a predetermined map built it. The materials are rubbles and Semi-backed plaster. The architecture style and related decorations are obvious in two architecture phases, those are affected by Sasanian common art and local independent identity. There are some questions, such as recognizing the methods of architecture and materials, functions and effective elements on artistic elements. In order to answer these questions, a descriptive-analytical method with the help of historical texts and archaeological excavation. According to the archaeological finds, this site could be known as a monument with residential-ceremonial functions, between the simultaneous palaces. The life of this site started from Sasanian period and continued until the Early Islamic centuries. Some important results in order to perceiving the local architecture techniques and cultural process of high-ranked Sasanian societies have been revealed after the excavation in this cultural zone. The cultural life continued with little changes after the transitional period of Late Sasanian to Early Islamic periods.
Keywords: Architecture, Sasanian, Gowriyeh, Ilam.
In 2005, following the decision of the Ministry of Energy, the construction of the Kangir reservoir dam (Tang-e Shemirān) in the borderline of Iran-Iraq was commenced. It was completed in winter of 2015 and loaded with water. Although the field research was conducted as a rescue project following the construction of the Kangir dam, but the team paid attention also to goals such as chronology of the remains and the identification of constructions styles of such buildings and residential areas (Gowriyeh  was situated at the height of 1022.5m in relation to the dam structures. After the impounding of the dam, it went underwater). One of them was gaining more information about the construction of residential areas in western Iran during Sasanian Period and about the transitional phase between Sasanian and Islamic periods in the region. In order to reach the mentioned goal, questiones were developed in minds, such as the followings: Are these architectural structures belonging to sasanian periods remained in use during the early Islamic centuries? What are the main characteristics, architectural decorations and construction materials used in building? What factors influenced their art styles? What could we say of the function of the buildings?
The corresponding assumptions were also as the followings. In some historical texts, the establishment of such structures is attributed to the early Islamic centuries, but it is more logical to assume their construction was originally of Sasanian era, reusing in early Islamic period with some modifications. The buildings were constructed mostly using the locally-found rubbles and Semi-baked and beaten gypsum mortar. The architect(s) and decoration artist(s) of the buildings have binded themselves to consider elements and variables such as natural topography, local climate and environmental characteristic and even religious beliefs. In addition to what mentioned, it seems that plus following the common artistic styles of the period, the builders were also influenced by local traditions. Considering the architectural style of the buildings and the associated finds, the buildings most likely held residential-formal function.
This research takes advantage of a historical-interpretative approach with an analytical-descriptive nature. As mentioned, apart from bibliographic studies (historical texts), the results of field excavations and the associated post-excavation analyses of finds were used to conduct the research. The cultural finds were also compared to the ones recovered from the earlier projects in the region.
Identified Traces
Gowriyeh  is located at about 800m South of Sartang-e Soflā village in Zarneh, Eyvan county in some 65km northwest of Ilam at the height of about 1029m asl (UTM: 605380m E, 3752210m N,. The area is surrounded by mountains in the north and east; with Kangir river flowing in north and northwest at the distance of about 190m. Kangir is flowing across Eyvan plain and Soūmār, and ends in Iraq. From the viewpoint of historical geography, Gowriyeh were located in a part of the state of Māsbazān which was called Ariyohān. Due to having enjoyable cool and mountainside climate, the region was using as hunting and recreational area during Sasanian and early Abbasid Periods. It seems the reason behind the vacancy was largely due to an earthquake that was occurred in the region. According to a warning given by the authorities that water loading of Kangir river dam leads to the flooding of the Southern part of the building first, the excavation was begun in this area. The excavation led to the discovery of a rectangular building, 33×25m in dimension (825m2 in surface area), containing 10 rooms. The architecture in Gowriyeh resembles other Sasanian buildings in having hall, Eyvans, rooms and as such, enclosing an open space (courtyard) in the middle. Some architectural elements of this building include rectangular or rounded piers and columns, arches and vaults and stucco decorations with pebbles and Semi-baked beaten gypsum mortar as constructions material. The foundations has various heights which have been made using rubbles and gypsum mortar and finally covered with a layer of gypsum plaster. One of the main features of this building is the presence of load-bearing walls made from rubbles and gypsum mortar. The widespread use of gypsum and various arches are the legacy of sasanian styles. The building also features stucco decorations comparable to the royal palaces and noble residences of the era. The ubiquity of pilaster columns and niches as means of wall decoration is another similarity between Gowriyeh and other contemporaneous buildings.
salvage excavation were in Gowriyeh due to the construction of Kangir dam. according to Geology studies in the area of influence of natural factors on the construction of Gowriyeh. Gowriyeh building has a rectangular plan similar to the plan of the contemporary royal buildings and consists of a number of rooms with courtyards and interiors. The construction materials are rubble and Semi-baked beaten gypsum mortar. This building, similar to other Sasanian buildings have been built without foundation and walls were made directly on the bedrock. The main roof coverings are in the form of barrel vault, but various arches have been used for the doorways and niches. According comparative studies, the main construction phase in Giwriyeh was of Sasanian Period. Then, the buildings were reused during early Islamic Period. The construction of such a building could be interpreted in relation to the natural landscape around it and in this regard, Gowriyeh is considered a Sasanian daskareh and a noble residence. According to the historical texts, Māsbazān region, which Ariyohān was also a part of it, was a Sasanian region sometimes used for recreational purposes during late Sasanian and early Islamic periods. Gowriyeh went eventually underwater after the impounding of Kangir river dam during the winter of 2015.


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