Investigating the Status of Farahan Plain During the Sassanid Period Based on Archaeological Studies


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Zabol University, Zabol, Iran.

2 Professor of Archeology Department, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.


Farahan plain is one of the fertile plains in southwest of the central plateau, encompassing a space enclosed among the mountains with an area of more than 5000 square kilometers. Archaeological studies indicate that Farahan plain has always been favored by humans from the late Neolithic to the present day and even today it has a considerable settlement density. One of the settlement periods of this plain, having great importance due to existence of ancient monuments and evidence such as Fardoghan fire-temple and castles and large and small hills, is the Sassanid period that even historical sources have referred to the development of Farahan plain in this era. However, so far no significant action has been taken to study the archeology of the historical period of the region in a specialized and scientific way, especially the Sassanid period, and the most important archaeological question of this period regarding the status of this plain and various factors affecting the settlement structure in Sassanid period has remained unanswered. Therefore, in this paper, relying on data obtained from archaeological study of the region, historical sources and sedimentological information of the region, the authors try to answer the above question in order to depict the status of Farahan plain during the Sassanid era. The results indicate that although favorable climatic conditions were created in Farahan plain in the centuries before the Sassanids and led to the growth of settlements, over time and during the Sassanid period, a hot and dry climate has prevailed in the region. Nevertheless, growth of settlements continued during this period, which is based on numerous small and medium rural settlements. Most likely, the continuation of settlements and their growth in this period rely on human factors like technological advances in the use of water resources to overcome environmental constraints.
As mentioned in historical sources, development of Farhan region during the Sassanid period has been mentioned, and on the other hand, archaeological studies also confirm this, easily clarifying the importance of research related to the Sassanid period in Farahan plain. In the present study, aiming to study the status of Farahan plain during the Sassanid period, two fundamental archaeological questions are raised: How has been the status of Farahan plain during the Sassanid period? What factors have influenced the process of formation and settlement changes and developments on Farahan plain during the Sassanid era?
In this research, information has been collected using both field and laboratory studies. Field information was gathered through archaeological surveys and identification and chronology of ancient sites on the one hand, and based on environmental studies on soil status (in terms of agricultural potential), water resources and river routes (active and dried) and the condition of the sediments on the other hand. Library information has been obtained through the study of written historical sources as well as previous reports and research. In this study, environmental data play a crucial role in the analysis and interpretation of archaeological data, obviously dealing with large amounts of geographic data. In order to study and analyze archaeological data in the geographical environment, digital maps and spatial analysis based on GIS models are used.
Archaeological field information applied in this study has been obtained from two seasons of archaeological surveys on the Farahan Plain, conducted by Javad Alaei Moghadam in 2012 and 2017, and as a result, 765 archeological sites from the late Neolithic era to the Qajar period were identified. According to the relative chronology based on the typological comparison of the surface pottery samples of the site, in 199 sites in Farahan plain, evidence of the Sassanid era can be observed, most of which have an area of less than 2 hectares.
Main Text
As stated above, during archeological study conducted in Farahan plain on 199 sites, evidence of Sassanid era was found. In a comprehensive view, considering the variables of size and distribution, it is argued that these sites indicate the existence of a significant number of small communities ag large as villages scattered throughout Farahan plain. According to the research conducted, in the best conditions only in a very short period of time seasonal rivers of Farahan plain could cover lands up to a distance of one kilometer and only 43.2% of the total Sassanid sites are located in this area. Given the influence range of seasonal rivers of Farahan plain, both in terms of space and time, it cannot be considered as the most important factor in water supply of Sassanid settlements in the region. Another important hydrological phenomenon in Farahan plain is Lake Meiqan that is brine. Saline water of this lake makes it impossible to be used for normal life activities. Despite the existence of the saline lake and seasonal river, the amount of groundwater in this plain is very high, which is of high quality for agricultural and drinking purposes. This led the people to dig many wells and canals for centuries. There are more than 800 aqueducts in Farahan plain, many of which are among the oldest and largest aqueducts on the Iranian plateau. According to consistency of direction and structural path of some aqueducts with historical sites, these aqueducts can be traced back to about two thousand years ago. Most of the Sassanid sites of Farahan plain are located in central part of the plain and at an altitude of 1650 to 1850 meters above sea level, most of which have a slope between 3 to 7 degrees, providing the best conditions for a farming community.
The results of this study indicate that Farahan plain was given more attention during Sassanid period and the number of settlements in this plain increased in this era. Most of these settlements represent small ancient villages. According to sedimentological studies conducted in Farahan plain in terms of climate, this region, after passing a short wet season, from the early centuries AD to the end of the Sassanid period, has had a semi-arid climate (similar to today’s situation) and lacked permanent and high-water rivers. The Sassanids overcame the problem of water shortage in the region by managing water resources and digging several canals. Finally, it can be argued that Farahan plain has been among the most important rural areas of the Sassanid era, in which agriculture has flourished due to suitable living conditions and social investments in the use of water by digging aqueducts, and this has led to prosperity and a large population. The importance and development of the plain have become so great that historical sources point to the construction of important fire temples in this region during the Sassanid period that new archaeological research has proven its location in the village of Fardoghan in north of Farahan.


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