Formation of the Proto-Elamite Union on the Iranian plateau


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Archeology, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Pishva-Varamin Branch, Varamin, Iran.

3 M.A. in Archeology, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


The Proto Elamite period is a period in the history of the Iranian plateau, which covers the period from 3300 to 3000 BC. unlike previous periods, This period is located on a large area of the Iranian plateau for the first time, where different societies, used social complexities in an integrated way. Due to the similarity in culture and managerial structure, it can be seen that political connections and affiliation have probably been formed between them. according to limited excavations, Unfortunately the Proto Elamite period cannot be fully described in all these connections. In the present study, the authors are using descriptive-analytical method and collecting information by documentary method from the excavations, seek to find connections based on linear tablets (Proto Elamite) and the role of seal in the Proto Elamite areas which are geographically distant and show a political-economic border, including: Uzbek hill in Qazvin plain (northwest), Shahr-e Sokhteh in Sistan and Baluchestan, Yahya hill in Kerman (southeast), Sofalin Tepe in the east of Tehran province (northeast) and Shush hill in the west of present-day Khuzestan (southwest). According to the analysis of the constituent elements of the tablets of each area, despite preserving the native writing style and range of phonetic names, Common management system and relatively identical seal designs have been developed which are different from other areas. In the previous period (Susa II) nothing similar to the plateau of Iran has been found and it can be guessed that a union based on the geographical structure of the plateau of Iran was formed in the fourth millennium BC. Perhaps the reason for the formation of these connections was political commonalities and common interests between different ethnic groups, these along with other factors such as: ancient roads and natural landscape of Iran, have led to its formation.


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