Geoarchaeology of Kharashk Ancient Site (Kharashk Village, Guilan Province)


1 Assistant professor, Natural Heritage Department, Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Tehran, Iran.

2 M. Sc. of Geology, Geoarchaeology Research Group, Zaminrizkavan Co. Ltd, Tehran, Iran.

3 Ph.D. of Archaeology, Guilan Province Administration of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism, Rasht, Iran.


In geoarchaeology, a complete and accurate understanding of ancient records can be obtained by identifying and examining the sedimentary content and stratigraphy of archeological layers and materials. This study presents the results of geological studies in Kharashk ancient area site, which aims to provide a general understanding of the local geology of the area, and in particular an awareness of Quaternary alluvial deposits; these deposits also forms surface deposits in the Kharashk ancient site. For this purpose, samples were taken from sedimentary units to determine the mineralogical composition of the sediments and their sedimentological characteristics. In addition to the study of fine-grained alluvial deposits, the final part of this study is devoted to thick deposits of consolidated gravelly sediments located in the lower part of the Kharashk River near its connection with the Sefidroud River, which describes the history of the Kharashk River developments and shows the tectonic and hydrologic changes in the region. The bedrock of Kharashk archaeological site is the volcanic rocks of Karaj formation that its outcrops can be seen in the eastern part of the ancient site of Kharashk, which is represented by conglomerates with morphological and erosional features. The ancient site is located on terraces and high-altitude ancient alluvial fan - hillslope sediments. Cultural and biological evidences on the surface deposits of Kharashk site are composed of pottery, charcoal, and gastropods shell. Small pottery fragments are founded in the alluvial deposits which their position within the sediments is largely orthogonal, indicating their insitu nature.


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