Re-study of the Spatial-Physical Organization of the Istakhr City During the Sassanid and Early Islamic Periods


1 Associate Professor, Department of Restoration and Architectural Studies of Iran, College of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran .

2 Associate Professor, Department of Restoration and Architectural Studies of Iran, College of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

3 . M. A. student of Iranian architectural studies, Department of Restoration and Architectural Studies of Iran, College of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

4 M. A. student of Iranian architectural studies, Department of Restoration and Architectural Studies of Iran, College of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.


The city of Istakhr, located in a distinct natural bed between Rehmat Mountain and Polvar River, is considered the mother city of the Sassanids and the seat of their ancestors. But little information about the architecture and design of this important city is available. The research problem is the ambiguity in the structure of the city of Istakhar due to the lack of remains on the ground, limited and scattered excavations and individual researches. In the framework of pre-Islamic architectural studies in Fars, this research has chosen a mixed method with a qualitative approach. First, the historical sources have been analyzed with the interpretive-historical method, and the excavation reports and new researches based on today’s technologies have been reread in order to extract the hypothetical map of the city. This map shows that the structure of Sassanid city with northwest-southeast direction is in the form of checkered grid in the western part, which follows the natural form of the defensive wall and becomes radial in the corners. The gates are located along the main streets. The Polvar river is a natural barrier in the north, with bridges along the gates. The early Islamic city destroyed the central core of the Sassanid city and was located on top of it. The irregular and compact network is oriented in the north-south direction and is limited by a square surrounding wall. The city center was around the mosque and the bazar was located next to it. A case-by-case comparison of some important elements or features of the city of Istakhr with similar works such as Bishapur has helped to complete the findings. It seems that the seat of Sasanian government or ritual zone is located in the center of the city. The western part contains large-scale Sasanian ritual remains. Outside the city wall, the outskirts of the city are located, and parallel to the corridor of the Polvar River and the slopes of Takht-e-Rostam, gardens and fields have been expanded in combination with architectural works. Therefore, it seems that the city of Istakhar in the Sassanid period displayed the characteristic of a ritual-governmental city and in the early Islamic period, the characteristic of a spontaneous city.


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