Semantic and Structural Analysis of Stone Paintings of Shahsavar Izeh Islamic Period Mausoleum


1 Associate Professor, Department of Graphics, Faculty of Art, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 M.A. student, Department of Graphics, Faculty of Art Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Some of the glories of cultural Iran have been preserved in the area of long-lasting and enduring elements, such as lithographs. The elements that have the most resilience against the harsh nature as well as the events of the time and in a way preserve the culture of this land as well as its longevity. Some of these works are still based on different areas such as caves, rivers and mountains. One of those forms is the tombstones, of which there are valuable examples in different parts of Iran. In addition to identifying the deceased, these elements sometimes included multiple symbolic elements related to the traits, characteristics, occupation, gender, social status, interests or secrets of the heart, the survivors of him. The mausoleum of the Islamic period of Shahsavar Izeh, whose oldest historical shrine is about four hundred years old, is one of the mausoleums that have the said characteristics. The symbolic visual elements of this cemetery, which are displayed on its tombstones, represent two climatic and tribal features. The nature of these tombstones and how and why their symbolic meanings are the questions that will be answered in this research. The aim of this research is first to better understand the symbolic and decorative elements of Izeh city and Khuzestan region and then to complete the information of Iranian lithographs. The present study is qualitative and has a phenomenological nature. 
Keywords: Shahsavar Izeh Cemetery, Islamic, Bakhtiari, Symbolic, Visual, Written, Tombstone, Tombstone.
The information of this research has been obtained in the field by using library and information resources and its connection with the historical context of the subject by semiotic content analysis. Based on the findings of this study, the secrets of the people of this region are represented on triple tombstones, lion stones, standing and lying tombstones, and symbolic images in the form of signs, mainly conventional, index and then icon and dual masculine and feminine gender. In this cemetery, virtues such as courage, hunting, grooming, religiosity, democracy and hospitality for men and weaving, spinning and the ability to meet the daily needs of life and the like, have been praised by women. Some of the glories of cultural Iran have been preserved in the area of long-lasting and enduring elements, such as lithographs. The elements that have the most resilience against the harsh nature as well as the events of the time and in a way preserve the culture of this land as well as its longevity. Some of these works are still based on different areas such as caves, rivers and mountains. One of those forms is the tombstones, of which there are valuable examples in different parts of Iran. In addition to identifying the deceased, these elements sometimes included multiple symbolic elements related to the traits, characteristics, occupation, gender, social status, interests or secrets of the heart, the survivors of him. The mausoleum of the Islamic period of Shahsavar Izeh, whose oldest historical shrine is about four hundred years old, is one of the mausoleums that have the said characteristics. The symbolic visual elements of this cemetery, which are displayed on its tombstones, represent two climatic and tribal features. The nature of these tombstones and how and why their symbolic meanings are the questions that will be answered in this research. The aim of this research is first to better understand the symbolic and decorative elements of Izeh city and Khuzestan region and then to complete the information of Iranian lithographs. The present study is qualitative and has a phenomenological nature. The information of this research has been obtained in the field by using library and information resources and its connection with the historical context of the subject by semiotic content analysis. Based on the findings of this study, the secrets of the people of this region are represented on triple tombstones, lion stones, standing and lying tombstones, and symbolic images in the form of signs, mainly conventional, index and then icon and dual masculine and feminine gender. In this cemetery, virtues such as courage, hunting, grooming, religiosity, democracy and hospitality for men and weaving, spinning and the ability to meet the daily needs of life and the like, have been praised by women.
Some of the glories of cultural Iran have been preserved in the area of long-lasting and enduring elements, such as lithographs. The elements that have the most resilience against the harsh nature as well as the events of the time and in a way preserve the culture of this land as well as its longevity. Some of these works are still based on different areas such as caves, rivers and mountains. One of those forms is the tombstones, of which there are valuable examples in different parts of Iran. In addition to identifying the deceased, these elements sometimes included multiple symbolic elements related to the traits, characteristics, occupation, gender, social status, interests or secrets of the heart, the survivors of him. The mausoleum of the Islamic period of Shahsavar Izeh, whose oldest historical shrine is about four hundred years old, is one of the mausoleums that have the said characteristics. The symbolic visual elements of this cemetery, which are displayed on its tombstones, represent two climatic and tribal features. The nature of these tombstones and how and why their symbolic meanings are the questions that will be answered in this research. The aim of this research is first to better understand the symbolic and decorative elements of Izeh city and Khuzestan region and then to complete the information of Iranian lithographs. The present study is qualitative and has a phenomenological nature. The information of this research has been obtained in the field by using library and information resources and its connection with the historical context of the subject by semiotic content analysis. Based on the findings of this study, the secrets of the people of this region are represented on triple tombstones, lion stones, standing and lying tombstones, and symbolic images in the form of signs, mainly conventional, index and then icon and dual masculine and feminine gender. In this cemetery, virtues such as courage, hunting, grooming, religiosity, democracy and hospitality for men and weaving, spinning and the ability to meet the daily needs of life and the like, have been praised by women.
Some of the glories of cultural Iran have been preserved in the area of long-lasting and enduring elements, such as lithographs. The elements that have the most resilience against the harsh nature as well as the events of the time and in a way preserve the culture of this land as well as its longevity. Some of these works are still based on different areas such as caves, rivers and mountains. One of those forms is the tombstones, of which there are valuable examples in different parts of Iran. In addition to identifying the deceased, these elements sometimes included multiple symbolic elements related to the traits, characteristics, occupation, gender, social status, interests or secrets of the heart, the survivors of him. The mausoleum of the Islamic period of Shahsavar Izeh, whose oldest historical shrine is about four hundred years old, is one of the mausoleums that have the said characteristics. The symbolic visual elements of this cemetery, which are displayed on its tombstones, represent two climatic and tribal features. The nature of these tombstones and how and why their symbolic meanings are the questions that will be answered in this research. The aim of this research is first to better understand the symbolic and decorative elements of Izeh city and Khuzestan region and then to complete the information of Iranian lithographs. The present study is qualitative and has a phenomenological nature


Main Subjects

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