Eastern Central Zagros During the Neolithic Period: Based on the Excavation at Tappeh Qelā Gap



Despite of great deal of archaeological researches on the various Eastern Central Zagros, occur slightly scattered evidences connected to the Neolithic and pre-Neolithic eras in the parts. There are further settlements in the western and also southern parts of Zagros during Neolithic, proto-Neolithic and earlier phases, which provided more complete regional chronology. Archaeological excavation at Tappeh QelaGap in the Azna district of the Luristan in 2009 carried out after four seasons of survey project on the district, as one of eastern plains of Central Zagros region. The excavation revealed evidences of late Neolithic and transitional Chalcolithic periods in the stratigraphic trenches. The evidences in the one of the trenches called C show three separated Neolithic to Transitional Chalcolithic phases on the trench, providing by comparison of ceramic assemblage and absolute dates of other typical sites. Phase one as QelaGap 1 paralleled to late Sarab horizon, phase two as QelaGap 2 paralleled to Sarab-Bagh-e¬ No horizon, phase three as QelaGap 3 related to Transitional Chalcolithic and subsequently it begin early Chalcolithic period during phase four as QelaGap 4. Additionally, other Neolithic materials are tokens, spindle whorls, beads and piece of figuringes that indicated to Calculating, weaving, decoration and ritual activities and also occur several burnt stiff hard floors as one of most important evidences in the Neolithic Near East Societies, which possibly attributed to early domestic activities and food production. The evidences show some highland societies of Eastern Zagros developed by regional isolation with interactive relations that appeared on the painted pottery styles during Neolithic period. Eventually these societies transformed to more complex with cultural integration as Dalma tradition on the whole of Zagros. As a result, the data of archaeological excavations at Tappeh QelaGap explains some backgrounds of transitional process from Neolithic to Chalcolithic periods on the Eastern Central Zagros.
