An Introduction to the Newly found Paleolithic Landscape of Boulan in the North of the Eyvanekey Alluvial Fan with a focus on Lithic Techno-Typology


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)

2 M. A. in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 M. A. in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Marlik Institute of Higher Education, Nowshahr, Iran



The findings gathered from the Northern Iranian Central Desert (NICD) over the past two decades suggest the significance of the region during the Pleistocene, indicating that different and fluctuating environmental conditions governed the region in the past, contrary to the hot and dry conditions of today. From an archaeological perspective, this means that human populations might have been able to live here during milder times. Based on this assumption and the escalating number of Paleolithic localities, the hypothesis of considering the NICD as a significant Pleistocene dispersal corridor was put forward. However, the available information regarding the Pleistocene human populations in the region was limited only to its eastern and western parts. Up until recently, the Pleistocene “plain dwellers” in the more central parts of the NICD (corresponding to the modern-day Alborz, Tehran, and western Semnan provinces) were not known to us. The picture took a turn when Showr-e Qazi, a paleolithic surface lithic scatter, located about 18km southwest of Eyvanekey, came to light. Following this discovery, the authors embarked on a comprehensive investigation of Eyvanekey. Doing so, a systematic intensive pedestrian field survey was conducted in the vicinity of Eyvanekey County to tackle questions regarding the role of the central parts of the NICD for the dispersal of Pleistocene human populations and the degree of connectivity and relatedness of the landscapes, and resultantly, strengthening or weakening the mentioned hypothesis. As a result, extensive Paleolithic surface scatters were recorded using a combined method of proportionate stratified random and adaptive sampling. The lithic assemblage from Boulan, one of these scatters, has been examined here using techno-typological approach. The preliminary results suggest Middle and Upper Paleolithic affinities. In addition, in general terms, the lithic tradition in Boulan is geared toward the expedient and opportunistic end of the spectrum. Lastly, the discovery of extensive Paleolithic localities in the central parts of the NICD provides additional support for the hypothesis of a Northern dispersal corridor.


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