Examining the Settlement Patterns of Historical and Islamic Sites in the Western Margins of the Lut Desert


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Cultural Materials Conservation, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran (Corresponding Author).

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



The western margins of the Lut Desert have long been a crucial hub for cultural exchange, owing to its distinctive geographical location. Dating back to the third millennium BC, Shahdad stands out as a key site in the archaeological studies of southeastern Iran. In 2011, a focused purposive survey was conducted to unveil the settlement patterns of historical and Islamic sites in the west of the Lut. The study successfully recorded 94 archaeological sites, including sites, architectural structures, cemeteries, troglodytic spaces, and rock art spanning from the 5th millennium BC to the late Islamic centuries. The primary aim of this research is to unravel how environmental and human factors shaped the distribution of these sites over time. The primary focus of the study is to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution of ancient sites in the Lut area, as well as the underlying factors shaping this particular pattern. Survey findings revealed that 70 sites were associated with historical and Islamic periods, contrasting with the predominantly prehistoric origins of the others. Furthermore, the research delved into the spatial distribution of historical and Islamic settlements across the cultural landscape of the Lut Desert. It emerged that the Shahdad alluvial fan, stretching along the desert’s western edge from north to northeast, served as a dynamic crossroad facilitating exchange from the historical period to the late Islamic centuries, profoundly impacting the evolution and distribution of settlements in the area.


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