Investigating the Architectural Features of the Façades of Traditional Houses within Yazd’s Heritage Area


Assistant Professor, Department of Iranian Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


A façade constitutes a significant element of the entrances found in the historical residences of Yazd, Iran. These façades are integral to the decorative aspects of the houses, prominently positioned above the entrance doors and serving as one of the initial spaces encountered by visitors. Although there have been numerous valuable studies focusing on the residential architecture of Yazd, the entrances of these houses have not been thoroughly examined. Consequently, this article employs a descriptive-analytical approach to explore the façades of houses within Yazd’s heritage area. The inquiries pertinent to this study are: 1. What materials are utilized in the construction and embellishment of façades? And 2. What decorative patterns are prevalent in façade design? To tackle these inquiries, a detailed study of the heritage area in Yazd was performed, which included the collection of field data to compile the essential information. The findings revealed that bricks serve as the primary material for façade decoration. Plaster is employed both as a binding agent and for ornamental purposes. While tiles are also used, they primarily serve a decorative function, with clay decorations functioning as mortars, reflecting the city’s architectural heritage. Other materials, including cement, sand mortars, and boulders, are utilized in a more limited capacity. Geometric patterns dominate the decorative elements, predominantly rendered in brickwork. Additionally, floral motifs are often applied with plaster over brick surfaces. Inscriptions are frequently observed on the façades, primarily crafted from plaster, tiles, and bricks, with stones appearing in some limited instances. Moreover, the design of dulcimer-shaped columns and other embellishments reflects influences from Western artistic traditions.
Keywords: Facade, Residential Architecture, Historical Texture of Yazd City, Decorative Elements.
Yazd’s extreme heat and dryness play a crucial role in determining the city’s introverted architectural style. Such design centers around a courtyard, leading to façades that may seem plain but are richly detailed on the inside. The entryways of these residences, particularly the façades, have long fascinated architects, even though they often lack extensive outdoor ornamentation. These features not only bridge the interior and exterior environments but also signify the unique identity and architectural merit of each building. As noted earlier, this aspect distinctly marks the entrance areas of houses through diverse forms.
The heritage area of Yazd City showcases a rich tapestry of historical periods, particularly the Qajar era, where several houses retain their original entrance spaces due to their well-preserved state. The façades of these structures, adorned with a variety of materials and intricate patterns, produce a visually stunning and captivating effect. Notable examples from the Qajar period include the Lariha, Imamzadei, and Shokouhi Houses. The designs present on the façades serve not only as ornamental features but also as vessels of cultural, social, and political significance. Historically, façades have functioned as a medium for expressing the ideologies, beliefs, and perspectives of the property owners, as reflected in the patterns employed. This article seeks to present an overview of the architectural features characteristic of historical façades in the old city of Yazd. The research is guided by two primary questions: 1) What materials are utilized in the construction and decoration of these façades? and 2) What decorative patterns are evident in the façades? To address these inquiries, a descriptive-analytical method was employed to examine the façades of historical residences in Yazd, with data collection conducted through both fieldwork and library (documentary) methods. The fieldwork involved a systematic survey of Yazd’s historical neighborhoods conducted on foot, during which representative samples were photographed. Subsequently, comprehensive architectural data for each sample, along with additional attributes, were meticulously recorded in designated forms. The physical characteristics of the façades, along with pertinent information, were extracted from library resources, culminating in a final analysis that synthesized both field and documentation findings.
The Moein Dictionary defines “façade” as “the area situated above the entrance or the upper section of a building”. In the context of traditional Iranian architecture, this element serves as a prominent external feature, distinguished by its functional and aesthetic attributes. Bricks were predominantly utilized in the construction and embellishment of façades. Analysis of the data reveals that out of 1280 samples, more than 95.5% incorporated various types of bricks, with 495 samples (38.6%) utilizing Iranian bricks and 785 samples (62.4%) employing Kazakh bricks. The two categories of bricks exhibited distinct forms and shapes, indicating a variety of façades. In addition to Iranian and Kazakh bricks, there existed several other types, primarily utilized in the mehri (molded) and tarash (cut-out) techniques. Another prevalent variant was the Sharafi molded brick, which appeared in various configurations, including simple (10.7%), tak-gol (9%), do-gol (14.5%), panjeh-moushi (10.7%), and taj-pahlavi (5%). These decorative bricks served the practical purpose of directing rainwater away from the edges of façades. Furthermore, barg-e-kangari bricks were employed in 73 instances (5.1%), while falakeh bricks were found in 12 samples.
The predominant category of decorations was brick embellishments, with 1,095 façades (81.7%) featuring brick-related designs. Plaster decorations also played a significant role, as evidenced by 91 samples (6.8%) that incorporated plaster elements. Following, brick furnaces accounted for 0.82%, while glazed tiling and brickwork were represented in 10 samples (0.74%). A majority of the façades displayed geometric patterns, with 1,108 samples (82.7%) showcasing such forms. Additionally, plant motifs appeared in 141 samples (10.5%), while inscription patterns were present in 41 samples (3.1%) and decorative columns in 26 samples (1.9%). Although inscriptions can reflect cultural beliefs and ideologies, they were predominantly crafted using plaster-cutting methods. During the late Qajar period, plaster inscriptions were gradually supplanted by those made from bricks, tiles, and stones. The façades observed in Yazd exhibited influences from traditional architectural styles, although some were notably shaped by Western cultural elements.
The historical houses of Yazd were primarily constructed and adorned using Iranian and Kazakh bricks, which were available in a variety of sizes and shapes. The diverse techniques employed in brick-laying led to an array of geometric patterns. Some designs incorporated embossed plaster rows for added decorative effect, while others utilized Mehri (molded) and cut-out methods. These bricks not only served practical purposes but also enhanced the visual appeal of the structures, featuring plant motifs that were integrated into the main frames and margins of the façades. Plaster was also used as a decorative mortar. Although floral and wooden elements were present in the façades, they were not typically intended for decorative purposes, in contrast to the clay embellishments found in the city’s historical architecture. Furthermore, architects selected materials such as bricks, boulders, sand, and cement mortars based on the preferences of the homeowners.


Main Subjects

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