The Typology of Sassanid Pottery of Seymareh Valley, Case Study: Qale’h-ye Seyrom Shah


1 Bu Ali Sina University

2 Bu-Ali Sina University


Seymareh valley is an area located between Luristan and Ilam provinces considered to be an almost unknown area in the Iranian Archaeology. Here, several sites spanning various periods, especially the Sassanid era can be perceived. One of them is Qale’h- ye Seyram Shāh located on the eastern bank of the Seymareh River on a natural hill, approximately 40 meters above the ground while he site is elevated some 725 meters above sea level. The site is belong to remains of the old Sassanid castle. During the excavations, the site was surveyed as remarkable amount of sherds were found of which 361 sherds has been studied and classified introduced here. The significance of these potteries lies in their single period nature. This research is mainly based on the classification and typology of Sassanid pottery from Qale’-ye Seyram Shāh and also their comparison with homogeneous pieces from Central Zagros and other known areas of Sassanid era. These potteries are include typical daily use potteries, Jugs, Big Bowls and Jars; all of them are wheel-made and most are well-baked. In terms of quality they can be divided to 3 classes: delicate pottery, plain and coarse ware. The colour is varies from buff, orange to red. Sassanid potteries of Qale’-ye Seyram Shāh are a local type in which the influence of other regions can also be seen simultaneously. In terms of form, the technical features and decorative style of the collection belongs to the cultural sphere of west and south-western Iran. According to the technical characteristics of the Sassanid pottery of the Qale’-ye Seyrom Shah, it can be attested that the common forms of Seyrom Shah pottery are typical pottery such as:  jars, large bowls and jugs. These sherds have mostly impress, curved and raised decorations and the most common designs are scale, linear or finger cordage in one or two rows, wavy and concentric circle designs. Majority of pottery are eggshell and plain ware. The rims are mostly smoothed or rounded inverted rims. Potteries are in small or medium sizes and the large ones are jars and large bowls. Potteries have tempered with fine mineral and coarse sand in white, black and grey colours. Most of potteries have slip or wash in buff or orange and all are wheel-made and well-baked.
Technical characteristics of Seyrom Shah Sassanid pottery in comparison with different Sassanid sites represent that the production process was based on the preferences of each Sassanid area. Meanwhile, similar forms with cross-section nuances can be seen. Therefore, in this era, there were different preferences in each area with nuances. Although during this era forms have nuances but they are approximately similar and only technical characteristics and various decoration differentiate. It is noteworthy that the decorations themselves are based on the preferences which mean the decorations are similar but the design pattern are different. So, the Seyrom Shah pottery is a regional and local type in which the inspiration of other regions is well attested. In terms of form, technical characteristic and decoration Seyrom shah pottery belongs to the west and southwest Sassanid culture of Iran as it has the highest similarity with potteries of these regions; these similarities are mostly base on form and decoration,. Similar sample. Qale-ye Seyrom Shah in west are observed in Dare-Shahr, Sargandab, Qale’ Yazdgird, Kangavar and Bistun and in southwest are highly similar to Hajiabad of Fars. These similarities suggest intra-regional and inter-regional interaction of Qa’ale seyrom shah.


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