Disambiguation and Analysis on the Formation Process, Light and End of Azargashnasab Temple


1 Associate Professor, Department of Archeology,Faculty of Art, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of archaeology, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad university, Ilam, Iran.


Azargashnasab Fire Temple is one of the great buildings of the Sassanid period, which was built on the basis of historical sources and archaeological research by Khosrow 1of the Sassanids in Shiz or today’s Takht-e-Soleiman. There have been many debates by historians and archaeologists about the original location, formation process, time of use, and especially the causes of its extinction or destruction. The present article seeks to answer the ambiguities about the causes of extinction or destruction of this fire temple based on the study of historical texts and re-reading the report of archaeological excavations in the area. Some mention the reason for the extinction of the fire temple as the lack of worshipers and some mention the expansion of the villages around the fire temple around the fourth century AH and the narrowing of the area over the fire temple. In this research, descriptive -analytical method has been used. The results of the research show that the fire temple was extinguished and finally destroyed not due to the lack of worshipers or the expansion of the surrounding village, but probably due to the formation of a new village or town around the end of the fourth or early fifth century AH. In fact, the authors believe that from the time of the occupation of this area by the the Muslims untilthe construction of the Abaqa Khan summer palace, there were two villages or settlements in this area. One of these villages was Zoroastrians who lived in this area from the first century AH to the end of the fourth century AH at the same time as the fire temple, and other village was probably Muslim-Seljuk Turks- who after the destruction of the fire temple and from the fifth century to around the end of the seventh century AH, they were present in this area and the fire temple was probably destroyed and extinguished by the inhabitants of the recent Seljuk village forever.


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