The archeological landscape of the western Gavkhoni plains: Investigating the settlement pattern and system of the Early Bronze Age II sites


1 Faculty of Conservation and Restoration- Department of Archaeology- Art university of Isfahan

2 Doctor of Philosophy Iranian Center for Archaeological Research(ICAR), Research Institute of Cultural Heritage.

3 Archeology، Art university of Isfahan

4 Archaeology, Art University of Isfahan



In this article, an attempt has been made to study the landscape of the Early Bronze Age II (2800/2200-2700 BC) in the western Gavkhoni plains and to understand their perspectives toward the environment and how these societies interact with their landscape.

Due to its geographical location and favorable environmental conditions, the western Gavkhoni plains have had the necessary conditions to attract human communities. The recent archaeological research has resulted in more than 268 sites from different periods, of which 34 sites can be dated to the Early Bronze II period. Today, some of these Early bronze age sites are located in unfavorable lands, which raises questions regarding the nature of the sites, the subsistent economy of these societies, and how they interacted with and adapted to their environment. To answer these questions, the distributional pattern of the sites is considered a reaction and part of the society's behavior toward the environment, and thus, by identifying these patterns and the related variables and by studying and analyzing the intervariable interactions and relations, we can understand their establishment system and by proxy the systemic landscape.

This research is based on conducting field activities and analyzing the data obtained from the field process. For the simultaneous analysis of cultural and environmental variables in order to understand the settlement system of the Early Bronze Age II in the western Gavkhoni plains, in order to understand the behavioral network or the past perspective of this period of spatial space and statistical analysis using GIS and Spss was used. According to the dispersion of the sites and their settlement system, it can be said that the systemic landscape or the behavioral system of the societies of this period in the western Gavkhoni plains can be defined based on the Settlement system based on agriculture/animal husbandry and industrial activities.


Main Subjects