بازشناسی شهر اسلامی دینور: تصویری از یک شهر فرهنگی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دکتری باستان‌شناسی، گروه باستان‌شناسی، دانشکدۀ هنر و معماری دانشگاه بوعلی‌سینا، همدان، ایران

2 استاد گروه باستان‌شناسی، دانشکدۀ هنر و معماری دانشگاه بوعلی‌سینا، همدان، ایران


شهر دینور از مراکز استان ماه‌الکوفه و مناطق فرهنگی جهان اسلام در قرون نخستین اسلامی بوده و در قرن چهارم هجری‌قمری با قدرت یافتن حکومت‌های محلی، ارتقای سیاسی یافته است. «آل‌حسنویه» آن‌را به تختگاهی خود برگزیده، اما درپی موضوعات خرد و کلان سده‌های بعد، روند نزولی را طی کرده و در قرن 13هـ.ق. به ویرانه‌ای بدل می‌شود، و امروزه تنها نامی از این دیار باقی‌مانده است. بازشناسی دوران شکوفایی شهر دینور و چگونگی حیات شهری آن مسألۀ اصلی پژوهش است که با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و با مطالعۀ منابع تاریخی و ارزیابی و بررسی یافته‌های باستان‌شناسی انجام می‌شود. پژوهش حاضر در پی پاسخ‌گویی به این پرسش‌ها است: 1- رشد و شکوفایی شهر دینور از چه دوره‌ای آغاز شده و تا چه زمانی تداوم داشته است؟ 2- وضعیت اجتماعی و اقتصادی شهر دینور در زمان شکوفایی، چگونه بوده است؟ و فرضیات طرح شده عبارتنداز: 1- پس از ظهور اسلام، استقرارگاه دینور و زمین‌های کشاورزی پیرامون آن، زمینه‌های شکل‌گیری شهری فرهنگی را فراهم‌ساخته که قریب پنج‌قرن در اوج شکوفایی بوده است. 2- جامعۀ شهری دینور، در زمان شکوفایی، گروه‌های اجتماعی و فرهنگی متنوعی را در خود جای داده و اقتصاد آن برپایۀ کشاورزی و فعالیت‌های اقتصادی مکمل توسعه یافته است. بررسی‌ها نشان می‌دهد که حیات شهری دینور تا عصر صفوی ادامه یافته، اما شکوفایی فکری و فرهنگی آن به قرون نخستین اسلامی محدود می‌شود. دورۀ درخشانی که با حضور نخبگان علمی و مذهبی، فضای روشن فکری و تنوع فرهنگی تعریف می‌شود. این شکوفایی برپایۀ روند رشد اندیشه‌های اسلامی در قرون نخستین، درون‌داشت‌های محیطی، رونق کشاورزی و دامداری و حضور صنعتگران و بازرگانان شکل‌گرفته، اما از حدود قرن پنجم هجری‌قمری با ناآرامی‌های سیاسی ناشی از حضور دولت‌های محلی، توسعۀ اقطاع‌داری، دوری از مراکز حکومتی و راه‌های تجاری، زلزله، تغییر مراکز فرهنگی و مهاجرت اندیشمندان پایان یافته است.   



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Islamic City of Dinavar Revisited: A Portrait of a Cultural City

نویسندگان [English]

  • Maryam Dehqan 1
  • Mohammad Ebrahim Zarei 2
1 PhD in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
2 Professor, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
چکیده [English]

Dinavar, once a prominent center of Māh al-Kufa Province and a cultural hub in the early Islamic world, experienced a significant political advancement in the fourth century AH under the rule of the Hasanwayhids. However, over the following centuries, the city faced a decline that ultimately led to its complete ruin by the thirteenth century AH, leaving only its name behind. The focus of the research on Dinavar lies in understanding its prosperous past and urban life through a descriptive-analytical approach that involves studying historical sources and archaeological evidence. This study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. When did the growth of Dinavar begin and how long has it continued? 2. How was the social and economic condition in Dinavar? The corresponding assumptions are as the following: 1- After the Islamic arrival, Dinavar’s settlement and its agricultural lands provided the grounds for the formation of a city that has been prosperous for nearly five centuries. 2- Dinavar’s urban community, at its flourishing time housed a variety of social and cultural groups, and its economy was developed based on agriculture and complementary activities. Studies show that urban life in Dinavar lasted until the Safavid era, but its flourishing period is limited to the first centuries of Islam. This period was defined by the presence of elites and an intellectual society together with cultural diversity. The culmination of urban life in Dinavar during the early Islamic centuries can be attributed to various factors, such as the spread of Islamic ideas, environmental capabilities, agricultural development and animal husbandry, and the presence of skilled craftsmen and merchants. However, by the fifth century AH, the city began to experience a decline marked by political instability, geographical isolation, and natural disasters like earthquakes. This decline also coincided with cultural changes and the migration of thinkers, as well as the increase in distance to government centers and main routes, leading to the eventual downfall of Dinavar’s once-thriving urban life.
Keywords: Dinavar, Islamic City, Social Groups, Economy.
Following the spread of Islam, there was a notable increase in urbanization, particularly in the western regions of Iran and Muslims started to build and develop many cities. The fertile plains of Central Zagros played a crucial role in facilitating the growth and development of various cities. These urban centers were primarily established as political and administrative hubs, serving as vital links between the cities and surrounding villages. Their growth was influenced by their strategic location and the impact it had on political and economic circumstances. Dinavar, situated in western Iran, emerged as a significant cultural center within the Islamic world, often referenced in historical texts as a key administrative unit. In the texts, Dinavar is sometimes equivalent to Māh al-Kufa and in other times, it is a part of that. In some texts, Dinavar is mentioned as a city, while in other texts, it has been introduced as a town and district. A village with the same name is also mentioned in later documents. 
The focus of this study is on Dinavar, a city that played a significant role as one of the main centers of Māh al-Kufa Province during the early Islamic centuries. It served as the capital of the Hasanwayhids and maintained its urban lifestyle until the Safavid era. However, the cultural advancement of Dinavar began to decline steadily from the 5th century AH onwards. By delving into the reasons behind the city’s prosperity and the factors influencing its urban development, this research aims to shed light on the social and economic circumstances that shaped Dinavar’s trajectory.
This research, by separating the city of Dinavar from the district of Dinavar and analyzing its findings in detail, will recognize one of the cultural cities of the Islamic world and seek to answer these questions: 1. When did the growth of Dinavar begin and how long has it lasted? 2. How was the social and economic condition in Dinavar? The corresponding assumptions are as the following: 1- After the Islamic arrival, Dinavar’s settlement and its agricultural lands provided the grounds for the formation of a city that has been prosperous for nearly five centuries. 2- Dinavar’s urban community, at its flourishing time housed a variety of social and cultural groups, and its economy was developed based on agriculture and complementary activities.
Identified Traces 
Dinavar is situated in the heart of a plain called the same name, approximately 75 km northeast of Kermanshah and along the Kermanshah-Sonqor Road. This plain, which is surrounded by elevated areas, boasts favorable natural conditions. While there is limited reliable information about Dinavar from pre-Islamic documents, numerous references to Dinavar could be found in the Islamic accounts. According to these texts, Dinavar was one of the cities in western Iran during the early Islamic centuries. It was chosen as the capital by the Hasanwayhids, but they later opted for Šāpūrkhāst as their capital due to the Annazids’ advancement. This event, coupled with the earthquake of 398 AH, posed a threat to Dinavar’s status as a city. During the Seljuq Period, the lands of Dinavar were granted to the iqta, and it was not considered among the significant cities of Kurdistan during the Ilkhanid period. In the Safavid era, it became a parish, and by the 12th century AH, it was listed as one of the villages in the region. In the Qajar era, it fell into ruin. Today, the site includes a central hill, a cemetery, remnants of the Qajar castle, and a bathhouse. Archaeological evidence indicates that this site has been inhabited since historical times, with continuous settlement around it up to the present day. The city’s economy primarily relies on agriculture. Prior to the advent of Islam, Dinavar’s community consisted of various Kurdish groups. However, after Arab rule, the area underwent a transformation, shifting from an agricultural plain to a cultural hub where diverse social groups coexisted. These groups encompassed rulers, judges, scholars, mystics, and the general populace.
Dinavar has been inhabited since historical times, with its settlement enduring up to the present day. While historical texts from the 2nd to 10th centuries AH refer to the city as Dinavar, its urban significance is mainly confined to the early Islamic centuries. Dinavar does not play a role in the Sufism movements that happened after Ilkhanate, and the number of its thinkers decreased from 150 people in the early Islamic centuries to 30 people in the 5th and 6th A.H. This shows the decline of the city’s cultural importance. Dinavar’s prosperity can be attributed to the strategic planning and policies implemented by Muslims, with their focus on the establishment of small towns for local development. This approach not only fostered economic growth but also contributed to cultural advancement, thanks to the city’s natural surroundings and distance from disturbances. The economy of Dinavar revolved around agriculture, with animal husbandry and handicrafts also thriving. The city’s society was characterized by a mix of social groups, which played a key role in its cultural richness and social dynamics. The residents remained engaged in productive activities, while the elite social classes significantly influenced the intellectual and cultural progress of Dinavar in a relatively short period.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Dinavar
  • Islamic City
  • Social Groups
  • Economy
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