گونه‌شناسی ساختار معماری مساجد محله‌ای بروجرد در بستر هم‌سازی با اقلیم

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار پژوهشکدۀ باستان‌شناسی، پژوهشگاه میراث‌فرهنگی و گردشگری، تهران، ایران.


بحث گونه‌شناسی معماری مساجد در نقاط مختلف ایران، موضوعی است که ازسوی بسیاری از پژوهشگران مورد بررسی و مطالعه قرار گرفته است؛ در این پژوهش تلاش‌شده تا ضمن گونه‌شناسی مساجد محله‌ای، عوامل مؤثر بر شکل‌گیری و توسعۀ الگوهای مساجد باقی‌ماندۀ شهر بروجرد (به تعداد 17 مسجد)  از قرون 12 تا 14ه‍.ق. مورد بررسی و مطالعه قرار گیرند. بروجرد دارای اقلیم معتدل و زمستان‌های سردی است و معماری آن نیز مانند سایر مناطق، تحت‌تأثیر اقلیم و محیط مشخصه‌های بومی و ویژگی‌های خاصی را دارا بوده است که ازنظر کالبدی به بهترین وجه با شرایط اقلیمی آن سازگاری دارد. این پژوهش با این فرض که «مساجد محله‌ای بروجرد»، متناسب با اوضاع اقلیمی منطقه و معماری بومی آن ساخته شده‌اند؛ باهدف شناخت عوامل مؤثر بر شکل‌گیری و توسعۀ الگوهای مساجد محلی، مؤلفه‌های معماری و ویژگی‌های کالبدی و فضایی مساجد را در راستای پاسخ‌گویی به این پرسش‌ها مورد بررسی و مطالعه قرار داده است؛ مساجد محله‌ایی بروجرد از چه ویژگی‌های کالبدی و فضایی بارزی برخوردار‌ بوده و به چه گونه‌هایی قابل دسته‌بندی می‌باشند؟ در ساخت این‌گونه مساجد، هم‌سازی با اقلیم و محیط چگونه لحاظ شده است؟ این مساجد چه تأثیری از معماری بومی گرفته‌اند؟ اطلاعات پژوهش به‌صورت کتابخانه‌ای و بررسی میدانی گردآوری‌شده است؛ و با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی، تطبیقی، به تبیین گونه‌ها و طبقه‌بندی نمونه‌ها می‌پردازد. برآیند تحقیق نشان‌داده که گونه‌های مساجد محلی بروجرد باوجود این‌که در تعریف کلی، در ادامۀ کهن‌الگوهای معماری مساجد قرار می‌گیرند، اما متناسب با شرایط اقلیمی منطقه و محیط و نیز تأثیر از معماری بومی، ویژگی‌های بارزی را نسبت به سایر مساجد دارا شده‌اند؛ به‌طوری‌که آن‌ها را می‌توان در دو گونۀ شاخص مساجد محله‌ای زمستانه و تابستانه دسته‌بندی کرد، و هرگونه نیز به‌لحاظ ویژگی‌های معماری به چند دسته تقسیم می‌شوند؛ از آن‌جمله می‌توان به مساجد با شبستان‌های ستون‌دار سنگی و آجری اشاره کرد.    



عنوان مقاله [English]

Typology of the Architectural Structure of Local Mosques in Boroujerd, in the Context of Compatibility with the Climate

نویسنده [English]

  • Ali Sajadi
Assistant Professor, Archeology Research Institute, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Research Institute (RICHT), Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

The discussion of the typology of mosque architecture in different parts of Iran is a topic that has been studied by many researchers. In this article, in addition to the typology of Local mosques, factors affecting the formation and development of the remaining mosques in Borujerd (17 mosques) from the 12th to the 14th centuries AH have been investigated. Boroujerd has a temperate climate with cold winters, and its architecture, like other regions, is under the influence of the local climate and environment. In so doing, as a result of adaptation to the local environment, specific local architectural characteristics are observed in Boroujerd. This research is based on the assumption that local mosques in Boroujerd are built according to the local climatic conditions and based on local architecture. To infer the factors influencing the formation and development of the local mosques, the architectural components and physical and spatial characteristics of the mosques are examined and studied. The questions are as follows: What are the distinctive structural characteristics of the mosques in the Borujerd region? And how could they be grouped? In the construction of such mosques, how has adaptation to the local environment been considered? How have these mosques been influenced by the local architecture? Research information has been collected based on the library method and field survey using the descriptive-analytical and comparative methods. The result of the research has shown that the types of local mosques in Borujerd, although in the general definition, are in the continuation of the archetypes of mosque architecture, but under the influence of local climatic conditions and the local environment, as well as the influence of native architecture. They have distinctive features compared to other mosques, so they could be grouped into two types of local mosques: winter and summer. They are also divided into several categories according to their architectural features. Among them, we could mention mosques with stone and brick-pillared naves.
Keywords: Local Mosques, Typology, Borujerd, Architecture.
Mosques, as the most significant religious buildings, have been built based on different plans since the dawn of Islam, under the influence of the architectural styles of their time, and the local climate and environment. During the 12th to 14th centuries AH, Borujerd had five large neighborhoods with about 5000 houses and 25 mosques, which tells about the size of the city as well as the widespread emergence of various types of local mosques. During the Qajar period, Borujerd became the center of the regional government of Hessam al-Saltaneh. With his construction measures, the flourishing period of Borujerd began, and it was counted among the big cities with the title of “Dar al-Shokeh”. Due to the location of Borujerd on the slopes of the Zagros Mountains, it has a temperate climate with cold winters. With such conditions and during the period discussed, new types of mosques with special characteristics have been built under the influence of the environment and climate of the region so that they could be grouped into special types of mosques. The mosques in each neighborhood have common characteristics, but differences in architectural elements and practical decorations are seen in each neighborhood. Of the 25 mosques mentioned in historical sources, only 17 remain today. These mosques are exposed to natural damage, civil development and renovation plans. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to document, study, and introduce their architectural and historical values for their physical and legal protection since their architecture and construction patterns of these mosques have not been studied as they deserve. This research is based on field investigations, historical sources, and architectural analysis. It is based on this assumption that the Boroujerd’s Local mosques are built according to the local climatic conditions and their native architecture. To identify the factors influencing the formation and development of local mosques, the architectural components and physical and spatial characteristics of the mosques have been examined to answer these questions: What are the distinctive structural characteristics of the mosques in the Borujerd region? And how could they be grouped together? In the construction of such mosques, how has adaptation to the local environment been considered? How have these mosques been influenced by the local architecture?  
Identified Traces 
In the historical context of Borujerd, in a timeframe from the 12th to the 14th century AH, there are 17 Local mosques left, which could be divided into two main types, summer and winter mosques, and each of them can be classified into smaller categories. These mosques do not feature large minarets and domes. Their common elements are the entrance door, courtyard, enclosing wall, and pillared nave, and they are built along the Qibla axis. Their main construction materials are brick, clay, and wood, and they are built with thick walls. The roof covering of Local mosques is of the groined vault (doub lean) type, and the roof is flat-shaped and covered with straw. Winter mosques are located between 1.60 and 4.4 meters below ground level and are built in semi-underground fashion. According to the placement situation, the pattern of closed space has been used in their construction. The windows of these mosques are located in the south part of the building, and they have small dimensions. Accordingly, to adapt to the climate, these mosques were built semi-underground with a closed-space pattern. Summer mosques are built about 30 cm to 1.25 meters above the level of the courtyard, and in their construction, open and semi-open space patterns have been used. They have a porch and large windows on the south side. Architectural evidence and inscriptions show that winter mosques were built during the 12th and 13th centuries AH.
The Local mosques in the 12th and 13th centuries AH in Boroujerd were made with a special structure adapted to the local climate and environment. These mosques could be divided into two main types: winter and summer, and each type itself could be further divided into smaller categories. A distinctive feature of winter mosques is their perfect harmony with the local climate. They were built underground following the closed space pattern, with small skylights, and using thick walls. Architectural evidence and inscriptions of winter mosques indicate that they are older than their summer counterparts, around the 12th and 13th centuries AH. The special structure of summer mosques are as follows: they were built higher than the surrounding lands (between 30 and 125 cm on average), while they follow the open-space pattern. The use of a vault with a crescent arch and the more use of stone columns are their other characteristics. In line with the compatibility of summer mosques with the climate, it could be pointed out that they are built in the direction of the Qibla axis. The architectural structure and inscriptions of these mosques show that they were built during the late 13th and early 14th centuries AH.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Local Mosques
  • Typology
  • Borujerd
  • Architecture
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