پژوهشی در شمایل‌نگاریِ گزیده‌ای از مُهرهای استوانه‌ای شوش

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 پژوهشگر پسادکتری گروه باستان‌شناسی، دانشکدۀ ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران

2 استاد گروه باستان‌شناسی، دانشکدۀ ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران


از زمان ساخت مهر در گذشته تا به امروز تصاویر حکاکی شده بر روی آن‌ها سبک‌های گوناگونی را در جوامع مختلف پشت‌سر گذاشته‌اند؛ این تصاویر از یک‌سو می‌تواند در زمینه‌های مختلف، ازجمله مسائل اقتصادی، اداری و فرهنگی موردمطالعه و بررسی قرار گیرند و ازسوی دیگر تحولات و پیشرفت فنیِ هنر حکاکی و تراش مهر را در جوامع در طول دوره‌های استفادۀ آن‌ها، به پژوهشگران بشناسانند. از آنجایی‌که بستر ورود به تمدن تقریباً هم‌زمان با میان‌رودان در ایران نیز فراهم آمد، سبک‌های شمایل‌شناسی، تصویرپردازی و حکاکیِ مهرهای این برهۀ زمانی بسیار موردتوجه بوده است؛ ازجمله مراکزی که داده‌های باستان‎‌شناسی و فرهنگی بسیاری را در اختیار پژوهشگران قرار داده، شهر باستانی شوش است. مهرها و اثرمهرهای به‌دست آمده از کاوش‌های باستان‎‌شناسی شوش گویای وجود سبک‌های مختلف در تصویرپردازیِ مهرهای این بخش از تاریخ فرهنگی ایران است. در این پژوهش تعدادی از مهرهای موجود در مخزن موزۀ ملی ایران که از فصول مختلف کاوش‌های شوش مربوط به بازۀ زمانی هزارۀ سوم پیش‌ازمیلاد به‌دست آمده، مورد بازنگری قرار گرفته‌اند تا با مطالعۀ تطبیقی پاسخی به پرسش‌هایی در ارتباط با شمایل‌شناسی مهرها برای تعیین کارکرد احتمالی آن‌ها در این برهۀ زمانی داده باشد. پژوهش پیشِ‌رو با هدف مطالعه و بررسی گزیده‌ای از مهرهای نیمۀ نخست هزارۀ سوم پیش‌ازمیلاد شوش و مقایسۀ آن‌ها در جهت تعیین موضوع کارکردشان با توجه به مفاهیم نقوش، تلاش دارد به این پرسش‌ها که، با شمایل‌شناسی مهرهای گزینش شده می‌توان کارکرد خاصی در زمینه‌ای خاص (اقتصادی-اجتماعی-فرهنگی) را نشان‌داد؟ و در مطالعه و مقایسۀ نقوش مهرها، افراد یا سطح اجتماعی خاصی از جامعه را در راستای استفاده از این مهرها می‌توان مورد پی‌جویی قرار داد؟ پاسخ دهد. این پژوهش با رویکردی توصیفی-تحلیلی و با روش مطالعۀ تطبیقیِ منابع کتابخانه‌ای انجام گرفته؛ و تاحدودی پاسخی مثبت به پرسش‌های مربوطه را نتیجه داده است.    



عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigation of Some of the Selected Susa Cylinder Seals from the First Half of the Third Millennium B.C

نویسندگان [English]

  • Tahereh Shokri 1
  • Kamal-Aldin Niknami 2
1 Post Doctorate in Archaeology, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 Professor, Department of Archeology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Since the invention of seals up until now, the Glyptic on them have passed down different styles in different communities, so that the images may be investigated in terms of economic, administrative, and cultural issues, and the researchers may understand the development and technical progress of the art of engraving seals in the communities during the eras that such seals were used. Since the late 4th millennium and the beginning of the third 3rd millennium BC, the basis for establishing civilizations in Iran was prepared, almost at the same time as Mesopotamia. The artistic styles of imaging and glyptic seals of this period have drawn too much attention and were so effective and important in identifying the culture of this land. Susa is one of the centers that has provided researchers with archaeology and cultural data about this period. The seals and sealing obtained from archaeological excavations in Susa show the existence of different styles in the illustration of seals from this period of Iranian cultural history. The goal of the present study is to study some selected seals of the 1st half of the 3rd millennium BC of Susa and compare them in terms of function according to the iconography of patterns. Moreover, we try to answer this question: “Does the iconography of the selected seals show an aspect of their function in a special area? (economic, social, and cultural)?” and “could we identify special persons or the social levels of the community in the direction of using such seals in the study and compare the seals patterns?”. The study was done using an analytical approach and the museum-library comparative studies method, and has yielded fruitful answers to the relevant questions.
Keywords: Seal, Susa, Glyptic & Iconography, Cultural Function.
The human population has probably begun using seals for guaranteeing the originality, ownership, and securing their properties (Collon & Porada, 2015: 231), and by illustrating on them, they have spoken with their audience for such purposes. Both engraved stamp seals and their ancient impressions in masses of malleable clay are commonly found in archaeological sites as early as the seventh millennium BC (Wickede 1990; Pittman, 2001: 231). The sealing reflects the manner of interpretation of their owner regarding the world around them and the interpretation of their observation (Collon & Porada, 2015: 3-4, 16-17). In fact, the analysis of the symbols is an approach to identifying the social classification. In this method, we may identify social classes since some of the archaeologists believe that the cultural materials reflect the special social classes (Dark, 2011: 111-112). The seals are divided into two categories: flat and cylinder seals. The application of cylinder seals began in the second half of the 4th millennium and lasted until the 1st millennium BC, when they were replaced by flat seals. The function of cylinder seals was as follows: administrative, amuletic, votive, and funerary (Collon, 1987/2005: 11-16; Roach, 2008: 9-10). Glyptic art began with stamp seals and was reinforced by the invention of cylinder seals, which were important tools in administrative-economic systems (Pittman, 2001: 231; Pittman 1994). An administrative employee was known by a seal, and the illustration on the seal was a part of the administrative process. Images on seals as an administrative tool may have a meaning in that administrative area, and an image may determine each of the information relevant to the economic cooperation of the communities (Pittman, 1997: 134). The development of seals and different styles of illustration may be used differently in identifying changes and social progress in different periods; therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate the selected seals of the first half of the 3rd millennium of Susa and compare them for determination of their function according to the iconology of the patterns on them. This has been done with analytical approach and with the museum-library comparative method.
In the present paper, a selection of cylinder seals in Susa from different periods of the 3rd millennium BC has been investigated. These seals have been grouped based on the image and patterns engraved on them, with the goal of analyzing the patterns and symbols. They belong to the “post Susa II” or “Jemdat Nasr” periods (9 items), the dawn of the Elamite Period (classic, glazed steatite, and geometric, 7 items), and Susa III/IV Period (3 items). The communicative seals of Jemdet Nasr are classified into smaller subclasses that include animal, symbolic or human patterns. The human images on these cases show the social activities of women. The cylinder seals belonging to the beginning of the Elamite Period have been classified by Pittman based on the style of illustration into the following subclasses: Classic, glazed steatite, wheelcut, and incised (Pittman, 1997: 139). They have been classified a bit differently here, since we include the subclasses of classic, glazed steatite, and geometric (in fact, the same style as wheelcut and incised). In the images on these seals, symbols related to animals, plants and geometric motifs were observed. Finally, several seals belonging to the Susa III/IV Period were investigated, which showed animal and plant motifs.
The function of the seals has been mostly within the administrative and economic spheres, and people used seals to ensure the authenticity and correctness of their properties. Therefore, on one side, the holders of seals had special status, or, in other words, they were rich. On the other side, seals may have been the credit of their holder, who assures the quality of the property by sealing them. The images on the seals may show the status of the person and be a symbol of their rank, beliefs, tradition, environment, and even their story. In the Susa II or Jemdat Nasr periods, the seals show women performing some activities. The images may be in connection with economic or cultural activity and even lifestyle, and generally show the activity and presence of women in the community. On the other hand, even when the animal or natural landscape images, such as mountains, are depicted on the seals, we can point to economic issues such as herds or the estates of the owner and the lands under his/her influence. In most of the images of the seals in this set, symbolic aspects are suggested, but the realism may be found in some of the following samples: Finally, we could say that the images of seals may express special social functions like economic issues and may express special classes of the community. Since the seals were in connection with financial affairs, and the rich people need seals, it may be possible that the person having a seal was one of the authorities of the community. 

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Seal
  • Susa
  • Glyptic & Iconography
  • Cultural Function
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